Post History: havefaith
Dispensationalist George Williams states in his Complete Bible Commentary on pages 945 and 946 about …In: So are we all positive about the pre-tribulation Rapture?
1 year ago
KJV Bible: Revelations 13:14-15
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those …In: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Is AI good or bad? Is AI in the Bible?
1 year ago
When I was younger and I first started hearing more about UFO’s even before anyone in the military e …In: Are Aliens in the bible? Why are they here?
1 year ago
Lord Jesus Christ is both God and the Son of God as Les Feldick explains in question (6a) Who is Lor …In: Is Jesus Christ God, or the Son of God, or both ?
2 years ago