Questions and Answers from the Bible by Les Feldick

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Who decides who will win elections ?

Since I suggested we not discuss politics I would like to start with a scripture about politics (joking) that maybe will help reduce conflict, controversy, and worry for some Christians. “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but from God; the powers that be are ordained by God” (Romans 13:1)   Les Feldick comments "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. (He’s not talking about spiritual power here. He’s talking about political power or government.) For there is no power (government) but (how?) of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. There’s never been a government on the face of the earth that wasn’t ordained of God. Even a Hitler or Stalin. They are all there for His purposes. They are all ordained of God and we can’t ignore that.” (Les Feldick Book 41 Lesson Two • Part III)

As Christians we rightly feel the need to support what we believe to be God’s will not only for ourselves and family but also for everyone in the country and the whole world. Non-Christians would normally not be interested in God’s will or be totally against it and Christians may still disagree among themselves about which political candidate represents Gods will. Christians and Non-Christians may feel frustrated, worried, or even angry if their candidate does not win. Christians may say well if God is the one who ultimately decides who are the “higher powers” then wouldn’t they always be supporters of Christianity? First we have to remember Satan is the “god of this world” (2  Cor. 4:4) and holds the deed for this world at the present time (Luke 4:6) but God’s purpose and power over come anything else anywhere any time. Then secondly the antichrist could not come into power unless God not only will permit it but apparently ordains it according to the bible otherwise scripture could not guarantee with prophecy the end times events. God ordained that specific people were in power in order for Him to be crucified it was not a random event. (John 19:11) God’s purpose is not only to prove His “will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10) but also to do it in a way that fulfills his purpose and promises that brings glory to God the Big G. I believe there is no controversy about politics or who decides elections in the bible.