Questions and Answers from the Bible by Les Feldick

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Are Aliens in the bible? Why are they here?

When I was younger and I first started hearing more about UFO’s even before anyone in the military ever admitted they might exist I started trying to understand more about them. I wondered: How advanced would their technology be? The first thing I considered is what if they came from another solar system vs them being originally from this solar system? I had learned on the show Lost in Space from Will and Penny that Alpha Centauri is the nearest solar system to earth and that it is 4.2465 light years away and one light year is about 6 trillion miles. The trip being discussed to Mars is 300 million miles and about 7 months. So at our present maximum speed the time for us to travel to Alpha Centauri is calculated as follows:

Miles to Alpha Centauri = 4.2 X 6,000,000,000,000 miles = 25,200,000,000,000 miles

Our present maximum rocket speed = 300,000,000 miles / 7 months = 42,857,143 miles/month

Our travel time to Alpha Centauri = 25,200,000,000,000 miles/42,857,143 miles/month = 588,000 months (49,000 years)

If the aliens can travel at the speed of light it would take them about 4.2 light years to get to earth from Alpha Centauri. If they travel slower than that it would take them somewhere between 4.2 years and 49,000 years at our maximum speed. This is assuming they came from the nearest solar system. Of course Will and Penny and their family were put in an inanimate state to not age for the trip and not sure what speed they were supposed to be traveling.

I concluded years ago that if an alien could make it to earth from another solar system they would have to have a technology far more advanced than we do just to get here. More recently I have learned they also appear to be able to make an almost instantaneous 90 degree turn which would not only indicate an extremely advanced technology but possibly the ability to defy the laws of physics as we know them. A human inside that spaceship could not survive the force of that turn which would also mean a living being inside that spaceship would have to be evolved to withstand that force or have some advanced technology that we cannot even understand much less develop. Reports have indicated they enter the water from the air at high rates of speed which for our planes even traveling at much slower speed we would consider a crash and total destruction of the plane. If that is what their propulsion system is capable of what about their weapons system?

Why would they travel that distance to come here? Why would they not communicate with us? Are they here to help us? Are they here to destroy us? Are they here to eat us? As ridiculous as that sounds this mystery also seems to be running parallel during this same time to another story about how cows are being surgically dissected in the field in a way not humanly possible. But there has been no indication that cows or people have been disappearing in large numbers so there is no indication they have been eating cows or people in large quantities yet. It seems the primary thing they are interested in is our nuclear weapons.

Both Russia (UFOs once took control of Russian ICBMs, nearly caused WW3 – testimony) and the US (Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes) have reported these aliens have the ability to turn off our nuclear weapons. Although they have not communicated with us it seems they have intentionally demonstrated to us they have the ability to shut down our nuclear weapons. There have also been reported instances they have appeared around nuclear ships in large numbers.

But what if earth is there home and always has been? Everyone now is discussing how we could be getting closer to WW3 which would almost completely destroy all countries. But this would mean that prophecy described in Revelations would not be fulfilled if this happen before the arrival of the antichrist. Could they be here to be sure that cannot happen? Les Feldick describes in question: (7c) When was the earth created according to the Bible?  that some scriptures indicate that God allowed Satan to rule nations of angelic being living on earth but Satan rebelled against God and so God removed him from power and caused the first great flood “And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.” Genisis 2.2.  Les states in question (7c) “Satan is a powerful angelic being with great cunning and intellect. He is limited only by the sovereign power of God.” Could Satan have created an army of aliens that he ruled over which would always protect the earth until he regains power?

Satan is presently the “god of this world”( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ) as he told Jesus Christ on the mountain “ 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. “ (Matthew 4:9) because when Adam and Eve disobeyed God they surrendered the power over the earth to Satan. By his crucifixion Jesus Christ gained the right to take back the possession of the earth which He will do at the end of the tribulation. But Satan will rule for 7 years during the tribulation according to prophecy and nothing can happen that would prevent that from being fulfilled. Perhaps an army of creatures we call aliens created by Satan in the past where created as Sentries to guard the earth and assure that anything including nuclear war can not prevent Satan from ruling the earth again. We don’t know where the aliens are presently residing on earth although they have been spotted going into the water even at high rates of speed that would destroy our jets. If aliens came here to colonize this planet it seems odd that they would do so by living under the water. When God caused the first flood there was nothing here but water and darkness but these aliens appear to have the ability to live under water so they would not have been destroyed. Perhaps the reason that aliens have sent us the message that they can shut off our nuclear weapons but will not communicate with us is that they have nothing else to say until their ruler Satan returns.

I searched all of Les Feldick’s lessons for UFO and did not find any instance where he discussed aliens. I searched the internet for scriptures that people believe are about aliens and this site (Bible Verses about Aliens) is one site that list several of these scriptures. These scriptures refer to angels, and fire, and lights in the sky but I do not see any scripture that I would interpret as aliens or UFO’s you can see for yourself. I read the entire bible and never saw any scripture that even remotely seemed to refer to UFO’s especially when you look at the Hebrew and Greek word meanings.

I found the article below a couple of months after posting this article.

Harvard Expert Gets Real About The Odds Of Aliens Reaching Earth’s Doorstep

Renowned astrophysicist Avi Loeb disputed reports of alien sightings, citing the impracticality of biological creatures surviving interstellar travel. He suggested that any potential alien craft would likely be driven by artificial intelligence. NASA’s recent study also dismissed extraterrestrial origins for UFOs. (Trending: First Moon Mission In 50 Years Blasts Off) Loeb urges the US government to be transparent about UFO evidence to aid scientific inquiry. “It would take about a billion years to cross from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other,” Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb said. “Given that, I don’t think any spacecraft that would arrive to us from another star would carry biological creatures.”


An Anecdote: In 1962 Rod Serling wrote an episode for the show the Twilight Zone called “To Serve Man” about aliens making contact with humans. The Twilight Zone was a 30 minute drama and often related to currents events and Serling was known somewhat as an outspoken activist. In this episode Aliens contact humans and proclaim they have arrived to help us with all our problems to eliminate disease, solve world hunger turning our deserts lush gardens, and solving all our other problems. In his story the humans ask many questions of the aliens even asking them to take a polygraph test which they did and passed and we grew to believe them and even to the point of disarming. One of the many gifts they offer humans is as opportunity to visit their planet which those that had visited and returned described as a paradise. In his story the aliens brought a book to one of the meeting which they said was their plans about how they would help humans which they inadvertently left behind. A group that specialized in code breaking got the book and went about trying to interpret this alien language as months passed and the population and leaders gained more and more trust in the aliens. After all that’s all the aliens said they wanted was for us to trust them. After several months they discovered the interpretation of the title which was To Serve Man. This reinforced their confidence that the aliens were indeed telling the truth. As the months passed and they continue to try to interpret the rest of the book one of the members decides to take a trip to the alien planet. The aliens had mentioned those taking the trip could even stay and live on their planet indefinitely and the group noticed more and more people were doing that although this man taking the trip planned to return. As he was going up the stairway of the spaceship for the trip to the other planet a woman from his group was hurrying to catch him before he left but as she got closer the aliens stopped her and she only got close enough to holler to him. She hollered to him “that book, we found the interpretation of the book To Server Man, it’s a cook book.” The man tried to exit and they pushed him on into the spaceship and closed the door. I get the impression that Rod Serling did not trust aliens.